Grace Weir
The Darkness and the Light
2002, video, 6 minutes

The short film
The Darkness and the Light explores a gedanken, a thought experiment, scripted by Grace Weir and astrophysicist Ian Elliott.

‘…The outside light penetrates the interior space of the observatory’s dome where the scale of the physical world is brought into realisation through observation of the sun projected onto a sheet of blank A4 paper…As a cloud thwarts Elliott’s study of the sun spot, an element of frustration enters the scenario…The same sheet of paper is then used to illustrate a sense of descending scale, from a halfway cut to the splitting of the atom to the melting and blending of energies which eventually leads to the notion of ‘superstring’; an visible force uniting space and matter…the reduction of matter through the paper cuts falls from physical possibility towards the certainty of impossibility…’

David Osbaldeston, A fine line, Cornerhouse, 2003

Francis McKee,
Experimental Conversations
Graham Parker,
The shaggy dog in the river
Peter Ride,
Viewed from the side

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